Helloooo! I have been wanting to post about this since their recital day but the chores always keep getting in the way!
Okay, so without further ado, we took Children’s Theater workshops again last April and May and I’m so glad we did it for the second time around.
Set in a bedroom with a giant TALKING BOOK and toys that come ALIVE, Mia played the child in pajamas who witnessed all the MAGIC. It was entitled “The Best Toys” and I think everyone did great!
The kids wore beautiful costumes, they all knew their parts well, they sang and danced with so much enthusiasm, and best of all, you could tell they enjoyed their own show! ?
Mia for one, was so happy to be there!
It was as if it wasn’t a performance. It was like they were just playing on stage!
“I like my role Mommy,” she said the day their character assignments were announced.
“I’m the child who loves DOLLS and ROBOTS, and Kate is the one who loves STUFFED ANIMALS and CLOWNS.”
“Wow. I’m excited to watch you all on stage!”
“I like to be one of the dolls too but I like my role better. I have many lines to say!”
Indeed, she has more speaking lines this year.
Last time, when they did “Sea Creatures in Harmony”, she was a jiggle-ly Jellyfish (See my post here: Our Trumpets Playshop Experience) and being the 3-year-old that she was, it was already a bonus that she had lines to say, in addition to the songs and dances she was part of.
This year, I couldn’t help but admire (I know, my own child, forgive me, LOL) how she delivered her parts and carried herself more confidently on stage. Perhaps because it’s her 2nd year to take this class. Or perhaps because she is a year older now. But putting theater experience aside, it was just joyful to watch her enjoy what she was doing.
Add the fact that she refused to practice at home (she wanted it to be a surprise) so you could just imagine my urge to clap every single time she uttered something on stage! Okay.. bordering on OA. I’ll stop right there. ?
Admittedly though, she gets a little lost when there are already colorful props, costumes, and projected images on screen to see. There were times when she said her line too early (excited much) and there were times that another kid reminded her that it was her turn to say something (focus anak.. LOL).
But looking at it as a whole, I was still in awe of how it flowed smoothly with no adult characters on stage.
It was just the kids! 3 to 6-year-old kids, on stage, running a musical play by themselves!
The staff was behind the curtains for sure, cueing, signaling, probably stopping the kids from entering when it wasn’t their part yet (who knows what craziness went on backstage), but STILL, for us in the audience, it was just the children. Special shout out to the teachers, AWESOME JOB!
When it ended, I was kind of wishing there was still a rerun! I wanted to watch it again! I wanted to watch without taking photos or videos! I wanted to just sit and savor every scene.
Oh geez.. Why did I even hold my phone…
But then again, I wouldn’t have anything to look back to if I didn’t!
So here they are. Sharing to you pictures of their showcase performance at the RCBC Theater in Makati.
Hooray to all the participants!
I cannot speak for their other classes (Toddlers Hiphop, Street Dancing, Modeling, Hosting, Star Power, etc.) but for Children’s Theater, I can say that they are true to their tagline, IT’S SERIOUSLY FUN!
So if you have a very young child who is into performing arts or you simply want your kid to gain a new experience, I highly recommend their theater class. Aside from being light and play-based, I like that it isn’t solely about learning the basics of theater. The musical play comes with a moral lesson that the kids get to take home.
After the show, I asked Mia who the best toy in the story is and she said, “All of them!”
And then she followed it up with a short lecture. Haha!
There is no best toy, Mommy…. It’s not about who is pretty or brave, the toys each have a special purpose even if they are different from each other.
I guess I have that to thank them for.
So once again, congratulations to Trumpets. I have nothing but good words for you. We’re very thankful for giving kids a venue to discover and express themselves.
And to the parents and classmates, Congratulations too! How I wish I can tag you all on Facebook. Feel free to grab and share.
P.S. Video to follow. Paging Daddy Chris… Pressure. Wehehe.